DLTC Summer League Eligibility
Age Categories
In all Classes of Winter League/Floodlight League and in Classes 2 and below of Summer League.
- Players must have attained the age of 14 years by 31st December in the year preceding the competition.
Summer League (LadiesPremier and Ladies and Mens Class1)
- Players must have attained the age of 13 years by 31st December in the year preceding the competition.
Time frame and playing days
Held in May/June on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday evenings for ladies and at the weekends for men.
Match Formats
In all Classes, each match shall consist of 3 singles and 2 doubles events.
Team Format
In all Classes, a team shall consist of 7 players, each of whom shall play one singles or one doubles.
If a Club has less than 5 courts available for a match at the scheduled start time, a draw must be made to determine which specific events are played first. All players must therefore be present at the scheduled start time as per Rule 20.2. However, with the agreement of both captains, alternative arrangements can be made beforehand.
Nomination of Team
Within each team, the members shall be nominated in order of merit as singles players and as doubles combinations. This order of merit shall not be changed.
- Registered substitutes or players substituting from a lower team may substitute in either singles or doubles.
- Where substitutes are used, nominated players may move from singles to doubles or from doubles to singles. Where a substitute is needed for singles and that substitute is registered on a lower team or is a registered substitute for a lower class, that substitute must play below any Nominated Singles or Doubles Player(s) or Substitute(s), of a higher Class
- The penalty for breach of this Rule (32.4) shall be the loss of all points won by the offending team in events affected by the breach of order of merit and the points lost shall be awarded to the opposing team.