Dear Member,
Please be advised that the 2023 Annual General meeting will be held in the clubhouse, Bective Tennis, Donnybrook, at 7:30pm on Wednesday 22nd March 2023.
A copy of the minutes for last year’s AGM and the agenda are herewith included.
Please submit any questions, motions or nominations in writing to the Honorary Secretary at no later than two weeks prior to the AGM. These will be dealt with on the night.
Please note that under the rules of the Club, only full members of 2 years standing have an entitlement to vote at the meeting but all members are welcome to attend and contribute to the meeting.
I look forward to seeing you on the night!
Cormac O’Shea, Club President
Agenda for 2023 AGM
- Minutes of the last AGM
- President’s report
- Honorary Treasurer’s report
- Club Captain’s report
- Padel report
- Club Development report
- Election of officers